Πέμπτη 10 Απριλίου 2014

"Cartridge World" issues and difficulties

Cartridge World has been in a rut for some time, and the number of stores has shrunk from around 1,700 to 1,400 or so over the last few years, with most of the store closures in the UK market, which has seen the number of stores shrink from a high of 260 to around 140. Get three Cartridge World people together, and they will have five opinions about the issues and difficulties Cartridge World are facing.

According to Cartridge World Executive Chairman Rod Young, Cartridge World will adopt a “finished-goods model” by producing their own cartridges that can be refilled, and focus on the B2B OEM market rather than the B2C market. What is unclear is if that means Cartridge World are going to sell new OEM or possibly, non-OEM cartridges (clones) that can be refilled or not: time will tell.

Many franchisees have invested a great deal of time and energy over the years developing their stores and remanufacturing expertise, and are now told that “inconsistent product quality, competition and technological advancements” have all impacted on the business. These are all issues the rest of the industry has successfully dealt with. Talk to Static Control about their success with Colour Control, or any of the other vendors to the industry about how to overcome such issues, and the expertise is freely given.

In the UK market an elite group of stores is doing well (despite Cartridge World?), and other stores have prospered, but too many are struggling, and others have closed or just let the franchise agreement lapse. Many ex-franchisees cite a focus on selling franchises rather than supporting franchisees, and feel their experience of running a store does not match the information and expectations they had entering the franchise brand. Operating in a B2B environment does provide a bigger audience, but the competition landscape changes and margins come under pressure. Is there enough margin available for everyone in Cartridge World to buy and sell cartridges competitively and make a good living? What happens to those who are good remanufacturers?

That Cartridge World needs to change has been evident for some time, but in focusing on finished product in the B2B OEM space, they are leaving behind their roots in remanufacturing. The challenge has to be to take all 1,400 franchisees forward with the new brand format at the same time, and without further disenfranchising many hardworking franchisees. I hope the plan works for the hundreds of dedicated and hardworking franchisees who have ploughed time, money and so much effort into making their franchise successful.

Source : The Recycler  issue 257  10 April 2014

2 σχόλια:

  1. Η Cartridge World ειναι η μεγαλύτερη αλυσίδα καταστημάτων ανακύκλωσης αναλωσίμων στον κόσμο και στην Ελλάδα με 46 καταστήματα. Σε ενα κόσμο που αλλάζει συνέχεια οι εταιρίες όπως και η Cartridge World επενδύουν σε νεες ιδέες που θα τους βοηθήσουν να αναπτυχθούν και να πετύχουν τους σκοπούς τους καλύτερα. Στα πλαίσια αυτά έχουν γίνει πάρα πολλές αλλαγές στην στρατηγική και κάποιες απο αυτές θα εφαρμοστούν άμεσα. Το άρθρο του περιοδικού είναι κάπως εχθρικό προς την αλυσίδα, για όποιους δικούς του λόγους η συμφέροντα εξυπηρετεί, μια και οι περισσότεροι franchisees της αλυσίδας έχουν επιλέξει συνειδητά να μείνουν στην αλυσίδα και τουλάχιστον στην Ελλάδα που γνωρίζω έχουν δεχθεί τις νέες στρατηγικές με μεγάλο ενθουσιασμό. Επίσης στην Ελλάδα η αλυσίδα διατηρεί και αναπτύσει την δύναμη της με 46 καταστήματα.

  2. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για το σχόλιο σας.
    Το αναδημοσιευμένο άρθρο δεν υποκρύπτει οποιαδήποτε σκοτεινά συμφέροντα αλλά σκοπό έχει να μεταφέρει τα νέα που μας ενδιαφέρουν . Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ότι αναδημοσιεύει το Recycler δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο από δηλώσεις του Rod Young, executive chairman of Cartridge World στο franchise.net.au 14/3/2014.

